Real Estate Data, Made Easy.
Stop hunting down partial or inaccurate data.
Get property insights and accurate owner information - all in one search.
Guaranteed results
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The Old Way
Common Method
Takes Hours
High Costs
Unreliable Data
Techy Know-How
Organization Mess
Propsphere Way
PropSphere Way
Simple Dashboard
Learn in 30 Seconds
‘No-Contract’ Options
Vetted Real-Time Data
Quality Data in Seconds
Only $49 to Start
Save hours on searching data or calling bad numbers
Instead of sifting through mountains of skiptrace data, get the name of the property owner and contact information on the first try.
Probate property? No worries.
In the unfortunate scenario of a deceased property owner, every search includes contact info on relatives and associates so you can always reach a decision maker.
Turn old lead lists into your best leads
Your best leads are the ones no one is calling. Create your highest quality lead list in 2 steps.
Find old lead lists and compile every address with incorrect phone numbers
Upload the list of addresses into PropSphere ‘Bulk Upload’
You now have a list of leads that arent being called on by others.